John Jeremiah Ahearne


Bond Street, Wimpole Street, oxford street, and Marylebone

Clinical Experience

I hold the following memberships to Professional Organisations and qualifications:

  • Registered member of the BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy) and adhere to their ethical code.
  • OCST 4 Online Counselling Certficate.
  • Membership pending with ACTO (The Association for Counselling and Therapy Online).
  • Student member: The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb)
  • Diploma in Integrative Counselling
  • Certificate in Couples & Other Relationships Counselling
  • Certificate in Psychodynamic Practice.
  • I am currently studying for a MSc Psychodynamic Psychotherapy & Counselling.

Continued Professional Development

I believe that psychotherapists' and counsellors' training should be lifelong to keep up with changes in models and best practices. Some of the continued professional development (CPD) courses I have completed over the years are listed below. These were mainly held at WPF, Tavistock, Freud museum, Ana Freud Centre, British Psychological Society, British Psychanalytic Council, Institute of Psychoanalysis, Stillpoint Spaces and the LSE:

  • Dark Continents: Psychoanalysis and Colonialism Revisited - Guild of Psychotherapists
  • Psychoanalysis & the trauma revolution - BCA
  • The Problems of Guilt - UCL Psychoanalysis Unit
  • BCA: It's Not in the Bottle: Research, Ethics, and Psychotherapy - Farhad Dalal
  • Psychoanalysis at the Margins: Care & Clinics for All - Guild of Psychotherapists
  • Schema Therapy & Addiction Recovery - Mark Dempster (Harley Street Addiction Psychotherapist)
  • Healing Addiction with Internal Family Systems Therapy
  • Prof Marc Lewis, PhD (University of Toronto)
  • Dopamine and the Neurobiology of Addiction - Dr Anna Lembke (Stanford University)
  • The OPUS Listening Post - Organisation for Promoting Understanding of Society
  • Surviving Coronavirus: working and living with trauma, anxiety and loss - WPF
  • Navigating Self and Other in a Changing World - Suzanne Worrica (WPF)
  • Coaching for Social Impact and Change - BACP
  • The Spirit of Psychotherapy - Professor Jeremy Holmes, Hallam Institute of Psychotherapy
  • Unequal Impact – The links between Environment Racism and Climate Change - Tavistock & Portman
  • Psycho-social Explorations of Trauma, Exclusion, and Violence - Association of Psycho-social Studies
  • Freud's Three Paradigms of Psychosis - Dr Leon Brenner
  • Psychoanalysis in Time of the Pandemic - Laurent Dupont
  • Brief Dynamic Therapy: A Psychodynamic Perspective - Dr Jonathan Smith
  • Addiction Pandemic? Attachment, Desire and Chemical Distractions
  • The Wisdom of Trauma and Talks on Trauma series - Dr Gabor Maté
  • A Matter of Death and Life - Irvin Yalom
  • Thinking about Gender in Clinical Practice - Hallam Institute of Psychotherapy
  • Knowing What Psychoanalysts Do and Doing What Psychoanalysts Know – UCL Psychoanalysis Unit & The Institute of Education (IoE)
  • MSc Psychodynamic Psychotherapy @ University of London
  • Goals in Therapy: Actualising Our Deepest Directions - Prof. Mick Cooper
  • Exploring the relationship between justice and compassion
  • Uncertainty: An Existential Perspective - Prof. Ernesto Spinelli
  • Psychoanalysis for the People - Tavistock
  • Racism: through a lens of FEAR
  • Tavistock Policy Seminar: Whiteness - A problem for our time
  • Wittgenstein, Lacan, and astonishment: Maria Balaska/Dany Nobus
  • Working with Trauma at the Tavistock: Tradition and innovative thinking
  • Understanding LGBTQ Terminology - workshop with Chloe Foster
  • Trans Awareness and Inclusivity - Del Campbell
  • A Day on the Third Wave - Weekend University
  • In the footsteps of Bick: Continuing the legacy of infant observation
  • An exploration of thinking under extreme interpersonal conditions
  • A Day on the Mind-Body Connection
  • Psychoanalysis and the Public Sphere: Social Fault Lines
  • On Ferenczi's 'Clinical Diary': Mutual Analysis, Orpha, Femininity
  • On Ferenczi's 'Clinical Diary': Trauma, Hypocrisy, Authority
  • Trumpocalypse, with David Frum
  • How Freud would have handled the Coronavirus, with Brett Kahr
  • How I Found My Voice: Margaret Atwood and Samira Ahmed
  • Happiness Lessons - with Prof. Laurie Santos
  • Psychopathy - Personality Disorder
  • You Can't Outshame Shame - Juliet Grayson and William Ayot
  • Anand Giridharadas on Capitalism in the Time of Corona
  • Constructivism, TA and the Corona Virus - Transactional Analysis Workshop
  • Working with Grief and Loss - Workshop with Ian Wallace
  • Relational Co-creative Supervision - Transactional Analysis Workshop
  • Coronavirus: Considering Our Responses And Responsibilities
  • How to Work with Your Clients Online

I'm interested in shame/guilt and especially in trauma - primary & secondary traumatic stress (vicariously through work, e.g. doctors, nurses, barristers and solicitors).

© John Jeremiah Ahearne

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